The Virtues Found in Sawm (Fasting)

 What is the Meaning of Fasting in Islam? 

    In Quran, Allah SWT has said, " O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) taqwa (self-restrain)" - Surah Al-Baqarah 2:183. 

    Fasting is a unique moral and spiritual characteristic of Islam. Literally defined, fasting means to abstain "completely" from foods, drinks, intimate intercourse, and smoking, before the break of the dawn till sunset. 

    Fasting in the month of Ramadhan is considered Fard. Ibn Qudamah said that there is the consensus among Muslims that fasting is compulsory in the month of Ramadhan. If someone swears or makes an oath, for instance: "If I graduate with a good mark, I will fast for three days for Allah" then common belief dictates that one should fulfill this. This type of fasting is considered obligatory. Breaking such an oath is considered sinful. 

The Virtues Found in Sawm (Fasting) :

  1. Sabr ( Patience and Forbearance) 
         All of us will learn how to be patient in restraining ourselves in eating and drinking as it already been revealed by our Almighty God from fasting. As we can see, we fasting for a long day from dawn until dark, and plus Muslims fasting for a month of Ramadan. All such things are represented patience in worshipping Allah SWT in order to get his blessing and soon will enter heaven together. 

       2. Takrim (Respect and Deference) 

         Fasting will make us learn how to be more respectful toward others who do not have enough food for eaten by them. At the same time, we will realise how much we waste food and how much we felt grateful to Allah SWT for what He gave to us. 

        3. Rahmah (Friendliness) 

        As good Muslims, we were encouraged to prepare or serve foods for those who are fasting and share our rizk with others especially in the month of Ramadhan. From Zaid bin Khalid, the Prophet SAW said : 

        Meaning: "Whoever feeds a person who is fasting, then for him is similar reward without the slightest lack of reward for a person who is fasting." Based on these actions, we will become more loving, respectful, friendly, grateful, and generous. 


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