The Virtues Found in Prayer

Pray while we still alive 

It cannot be denied that prayer is how we as a servant of Allah SWT communicate closely with our creator. Therefore, we can see that there are plenty of benefits that we get from worshipping Almighty God. It can give a lot of benefit to our physical health and mental health too. So, what we can learn or deep into the prayer itself? 

  1.  Al-Ta'ah (Submission/ Loyalty)
  2. Al-JIhad (Struggle in the Past of Allah)
  3. Muhasabah (Reflection)-by worshipping Allah, we can leave all duniya things and do election what we have done along the day. Are we always remembering God or are we doing something wrong and forbidden by Allah? From that, we can go back to nature. 
  4. Iffah (Modesty) 
  5. Tawaddu' (Humility and humbleness)- by worshipping Allah, we become more humble and humility because we are just nothing without Allah Swt. Everything in this world belongs to our Greatest, Allah WT including ourselves. So, who are want to be arrogant towards Allah? 


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