My Hopes

            In this section, I would like to share my hopes for Usrah 2. In this semester 3, I learned a lot of things from Usrah 2 class. This class gives me chance to enhance my understanding of Islam and being a good Muslim. I can not deny that this class plays a main important role play in our lives and the knowledge gives a big impact on us even though it looks like a simple subject. From Usrah 2 class, I also can get to know more people and understand that every people have their own idea, own perception about something. so, we as a human must tolerate each other and accept others' ideas too. In the future, I hope that more students can realise that this is the chance for them to get to know about Islam and the adab in deeply without wasting the chance because the knowledge was really useful for us to shape our personality as a human and as Muslim, servants of Allah SWT. I also hope that in the future, for this Usrah 2 class, they can teach more knowledge about Islam from many perspectives. 


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