How Do I Feel?

 How Do I Feel After Finished This Task?

    On the first day I discovered this assignment, I was a little nervous because I had never blogged or publicly shared all of my knowledge and words on social media before. However, once I began this task, I learned a lot. Patience, gratitude, and cherishing what I have. Someone once said that Allah never puts a person to the test beyond his or her capabilities because He knows the level of ability of each of His servants. Allah SWT knows us better than anyone else in the world. That is why we must accept every task that we have in this life without complaining. Accept it and do it slowly because small progress is still progress.

    Furthermore, with these opportunities, I can meet new people and discuss and complete this task. This allows me to meet more people, even if we are from different countries and speak different languages. This task taught me to try to accept other people's opinions rather than prioritising my own. That means being humble and tolerating of others, which is one of the manners taught in Islam that we must always practise. Rasulullah SAW, despite being our Prophet and Allah's beloved, should never be arrogant with others. He always tries to listen to and accept other people's opinions about something, and he is always humble with all of his knowledge. Basically, this part of the task taught me how to be a good human being so that we can be a better servants of Allah SWT day by day.  Alhamdulillah I can finish this task successfully. After I handed over my work for Usrah 1, my wish was to be a better Muslim to reach Allah's blessing. 


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