Every People Have Their Own Wish


Every people have their own dreams and hopes for our future life. Living our life with full of gratitude will make us wake up and continue our life as a normal people in normal life. Just do it until we reach our target. As a normal people, I also have my own wish, my own dream and my own goal for my future life. When someone asked me, what will I become when I have grown up, I couldn't answer it. I have no idea what will I do. However, I have one dream that I really want to fulfill but it will take time to complete that dream. I really wish that one day I can travel all around the world! Explore the different culture and having new experience from different country, discover the story behind of that place and the nature from all around the world. The first country that I really want to go is Nepal. People asked me "Why must be Nepal?" I choose Nepal because of the Mount Everest. I didn't meant that I want to climb the highest mount in the world but I really want to see that mount even from far. The Himalayas!!! 

The Himalayas

There's a lot of place that I really want to go to Nepal and I already list down the place. For today, I want to be more specifically to the place that I wish, dream and hope  that I want to go. 

List of Place That I want to Go:

1. Pokhara

Pokhara will be the first place that I will go after I arrived at Nepal. Pokhara, the 'Tourist Capital of Nepal', is the second-largest city in this Himalayan country, after Kathmandu (capital city of Nepal). The highlight of the town is its lakeside, which is a boating paradise flanked with charming shops, dreamy cafes, and restaurants. I always imagine that one day I can go at one of cafes at there having some fresh air and feel the vibes while reading my novel. 

2. Swayambhunath Temple 

Perched on top of the Semgu Hill located in the outskirts to the west of the Kathmandu Valley, Swayambhu Temple is one of the most important religious shrines in the city of Kathmandu. Circumnavigating the temple in a clockwise direction is a common practice among the pilgrims since it is believed to wash away all the sins. 

3. Annapurna Circuit 

The Annapurna Circuit in northwest Nepal offers hikers an outdoor experience nonpareil. Its one of the most popular treks in Nepal with lodges and tea stops at hourly intervals or less, until highest sections at least. I really wish that even though I can't limb Mount Everest but at least I can see Mount Everest from Annapurna Circuit and feel the Greatness of Allah SWT create all of this with His own power. SubhanAllah. 

4. Patan (Lalitpur)

Situated across the Bagmati River from Kathmandu, Patan is as well known for its artisans as for its stunning display of Newari architecture. Built in the 17th century, the palaces, courtyards and temples of the Patan Durbar are the city's star attractions. As a lover of history, I love to learn more knowledge about the story behind of this building. When, how and what? It will be the questions that keeps playing in my mind. 

5. Janakpur 

To be honest, the main reason Janakpur is one of the place that I list down as list place that I want to go in Nepal just because of the color of that building really attract me a lot. Moreover, I didn't knew anything about the history of this place. After I tried to find information about this place, Janakpur is located in south-central Nepal on the Terai plains, Janakpur was once the capital of a millennia-old Indian kingdom known as Mithila, and the Maithili culture still thrives here. Hindus believe Janakpur is the place where Lord Ram wed Sita, also known as Janaki, and thousands of Hindus from all over the world flock to the temple of Janaki Mandir each year to celebrate the anniversary of their marriage. 

In a nutshell, this is the one of the place that I really want to go one day if I can go to Nepal. I really hope I can fulfill this wish and it will be my new achievement with the best memories. Aamiin..


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